Eagle Rock's "B" litter.
One year later at the VHDF-Canada test in Oregon. Eagle Rock's Brinn "Claire", Eagle Rock's Bramble, Eagle Rock's Breeze, Sunnynook's Gustav "Gus" and Eagle Rock's Boone. All performed very well and we are considering repeating the breeding in 2023.

Eagle Rock's Alpine had the privilege of being the mother of this litter. The Sire is Sunnynook's Gustav (Gus).
Alpine's OFA hips and elbows evaluations indicate that her hips were determined to be EXCELLENT and her elbows, normal.
Alpine participated in her Versatile Hunting Dog Federation's (VHDF) Advanced Hunt Aptitude Evaluation (AHAE) as well as her Confirmation Evaluation on August 29, 2020 . She passed both evaluations with very high marks and we could not be more excited with her.
We determined that Sunnynook's Gustav (Gus) will make an excellent match for Alpine and we received a litter of very desirable pups from the pairing.
April 8 through April 12 was spent in Idaho with Gus.
May 10th, the visit to the vet confirmed puppies are on board and expected on or about June 13th!
Big News!!
On June 14th at 4:20 PM puppies started arriving and by 9:51 the final count was 10, there were 4 females and 6 males. We waited a couple of days to make sure they all survived and there were no problems. We are happy to report mom and pups are doing great. Alpine is turning out to be a terrific mom. Watch for photos and updates.
All puppies now have homes and will be going to those homes starting August 9th.
It's now August 22nd and all the puppies have gone to their new homes except 2. One of those will be staying with us and the other leaves tomorrow. It's been a lot of work and a lot of fun. It was amazing how many more 10 puppies are than 6 in the first litter were. They all have developed beautifully and can't wait to see how they all grow up.